Inspired Planning For Charleston’s Future

Charleston is growing. There’s no doubt about that. Whether it’s to the east, west, or north, the topic of managing Charleston’s growth is ongoing and furiously debated.

Our counties and municipalities have all taken different approaches in dealing with growth. Some more inspired than others. Here’s a quick summary.

Growth to the Edisto and the East
The biggest question mark is the area to the east of Charleston, currently owned by MeadWestVaco. This huge tract of land represent an enormous opportunity – both for development – and for preservation.

Recently, MeadWestVaco’s CEO visited Charleston as a prelude to an announcement regarding their plans for this land.

Conservationists and developers alike held their breath.

Would they just sell the land and let the city deal with the consequences (like Watson Hill) – or would they focus on creating a sustainable plan that incorporates inevitable growth and the need for conservation at the same time?

An Inspired Plan
Yesterday’s announcement was clear: WeadWestVaco is committed to a comprehensive strategy that will balance the demands of growth with a clear focus on conservation.

Here’s a quick summary of their plans:

1. Incorporate community feedback over the next 8 months
2. Involve a nationally renowned developer
3. The land will not be sold until the plan is developed
4. Urban sprawl will be avoided at all costs
5. The company’s newly formed business group – MeadWestVaco Land Management – will oversee the initiative

Make sure to visit and voice your opinion. It’s important we are all involved in this planning process that will shape the future of Charleston for years to come.

Very inspired, MeadWestVaco.

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