Charleston's innovative, artistic energy fosters a thriving creative community, which includes numerous architecture, culinary, digital media, software development, graphic design, literary arts, publishing, product design, and film production/post-production companies. Charleston's creative enterprises and individual entrepreneurs serve as foundational support to the region's growing target industries

Creative Sector's


Top five



regional workforce

$3.2 billion

annual economic impact



The nation's leading living laboratory for cultural and structural preservation, Charleston spearheads the modern preservation movement offering a depth of talent and expertise in architecture, urban design, sustainable development and the "restoration economy." Greater Charleston is at the forefront of this emerging industry, inspiring the development of new design and building techniques, restoration technologies, and innovative, next-gen products and materials.

Creative Parliament

Celebrates, connects and supports members of the creative community with events like Pecha Kucha Night, an informal, idea-sharing meet-up held quarterly at local venues.

Charleston Creative Mornings

An energizing monthly breakfast lecture for the creative community.

Redux Contemporary Art Center

Fosters creativity and the cultivation of contemporary art through diverse exhibitions, subsidized studio space, education programs, and more.

SC Film Commission

One-stop resource for filming in SC, incentives, training & education, locations database and crew/supplier information.

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