Charleston | South Carolina | USA
Charleston | South Carolina | USA is home, workplace and inspiration to more than 830,000 voices, talents, passions and ideas. three quarters of a million people who are globally connected through trade, technology and travel - and locally engaged to craft a legacy for the future.
As a result of the South Carolina-Israel Collaboration Initiative, in October 2013, during the U.S.-Israel Neurotechnology Business Exchange, South Carolina became the only southeastern state and only one of six in the U.S., to sign a bilateral research and development agreement with the State of Israel. It has a unique built-in funding mechanism that is administered jointly by the South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA) and MATIMOP, the Israeli Industry Center for R&D. Working in partnership, they identify, qualify and finance South Carolina and Israel entities to collaborate in industrial R&D projects.
Several different types of Israeli firms operate in the three-county Charleston region.