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It’s spring in Charleston…the weather is awesome..and it’s time to get up and out. In case you didn’t notice, this weekend there’s a smorgasborg of outdoor adventure for you to dive into. Or at least watch. Here’s a run down:
17th Annual East Coast Canoe & Kayak Festival – You’ll find all things paddling related at James Island County Park this weekend. The festival runs Friday through Sunday and features classes, demonstrations, kids stuff, bbq/lowcountry boil and more.
East Cooper Coastal Triathlon – This is the 3rd inagural racing of this IOP-based triathlon. Swim in the ocean (.6 miles), ride along IOP and Sullivan’s Island (16 miles) and then run over the IOP Connector to Mt. Pleasant (5 miles) to make it official.
Sixth Low Country Volkswagon Race Weekend – Held in I’On Village, this bicycle race will bring out the big guns as they compete in the I’On Village Smackdown on Saturday and in Hampton Park on Sunday. Apparently there’s a heated rivalry brewing between the VW team and the Charleston Bicycle Company team…so that should keep things interesting. Slip on your short tights and come out to cheer.
And for you nature lovers…this weekend is Earth Day and there’s a Forest Trails Day event in Awendaw on Saturday, a Wine & Warblers event at Audubon’s Francis Beidler Forest in Harleyville on Saturday, and Congaree National Park’s NatureFest off of 26 near Columbia on Saturday and Sunday.
So there it is…..get out and enjoy.
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