Protecting History & Culture

basketmaking.jpgI read this really cool article today about the importance of Gullah traditions, history and — probably most importantly — contributions to the Charleston community and lifestyle. From the art of sweetgrass basketmaking (which has been passed down from generation to generation) to its impact on southern cuisine with Gullah rice.

philipsimmons.jpgTourists and researchers frequently visit Charleston to learn more about Gullah heritage through interactive tours. Personally, I am in awe of the beautiful iron gates that were made by blacksmith Philip Simmons, who grew up in the rice-growing culture of Daniel Island. The intricacies and shapes of his work are admired from artisans nationwide, including the likes of the Smithsonian Institute.

Now Mount Pleasant officials are taking steps to protect the town’s Gullah history by celebrating the culture through festivals and educational camps and educating members of the community — including developers — of the importance of preserving our heritage.

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