Charleston: A Resilient Region

April 25, 2023
By Lynn Demos-Petrucci, Business Intelligence Analyst

According to Merriam-Webster, resiliency is “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to adversity or change.” A simple enough definition reinforced when I drive through the Charleston region and see examples of our region’s resiliency everywhere.

When I make the drive from CRDA’s office in North Charleston up to Nexton in Summerville, I’m reminded of our region’s economic resiliency. The drive guides you past interstate exits for some of our region’s most notable employers: Boeing in North Charleston, Mercedes-Benz Vans off Palmetto Commerce Parkway, and real estate product being built for future industry. This drive, and the thriving community at Nexton, remind me that a diverse economy is a resilient economy; we know that Charleston as a region can weather the peaks and pits of a fluctuating economy, just as we did coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To have a resilient economy, we also must ensure our natural resources are strong. From the historic downtown Charleston area to the beaches and marshes that surround it, the region’s unique geography is a major draw for residents and visitors alike. This natural beauty, however, presents some unique challenges when it comes to ensuring our region’s resiliency. These challenges are being met with common sense approaches, such as the City of Charleston’s Dutch Dialogues initiative and the South Carolina Ports working with partners to preserve land and waterways.

Let’s also consider our region’s most important resource: our people. Our region provides education and training programs that will help residents develop the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly changing economy. Our region also offers tools that help entrepreneurs and small businesses thrive, such as the programs and initiatives lead by the Harbor Entrepreneur Center.

Keeping our economy resilient is an ongoing effort, and we cannot rest on our laurels. We also must embrace innovative ideas and incorporate them into our region in a sustainable way that makes sense for Charleston. By making a commonsense commitment to sustainability and resiliency, Charleston can continue to thrive in the years and decades to come.

Want to learn more about how CRDA is supporting resiliency in the region? Contact us at [email protected].


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