GIC Interview: Jenny Badman


This week’s GetInspired interviewee is Jenny Badman, creative writer extraordinaire and new marketing/pr manager for Patrick Properties. Read her thoughts on living, working and playing in our fair city.

What do you do?
I write, market, advertise, publicize and otherwise get people psyched about whatever my clients are passionate about. Soon, I’ll be leading the marketing and public relations charge at Patrick Properties who is building a 64-room boutique hotel on Upper King and recently acquired Lowndes Grove. On special occasions, I do a soft shoe number.

What are you liking right now?
I’m liking the weather. This is about my favorite time of year here in Charleston. I’m liking architecture. I’ve been fortunate to be interviewing some fantastic Charleston people for a project for the Charleston Regional Development Alliance. The talent and energy in this city blow me away.

What inspires you?
Good conversation. Stunning physical beauty (one of the main reasons to live here). Being outside as much as possible. A community that comes together on the important stuff, supports independent business, art, culture.

What’s the best thing about Charleston?
There is an opportunity to make your own way here: whether it’s a new business, something artistic, political, environmental. There is room here for expression.

What three things would you tell a friend to do/see in Charleston?
1. Get lost walking around the Battery.
2. Take a house tour in the spring or fall.
3. Be here for Spoleto.
4. Eat local seafood. That’s four, but they’re all important!

How did you land here in Charleston?
In January 2003, I left New Jersey during a sleet storm in my VW packed to the gills. When I arrived in Charleston, it was 68 and sunny. I was on the beach two days later and couldn’t have been happier.

If you ran the region for a day, what would you do?
Build a rail system. Create a teachers’ union. (It would need to be a long day.)

Finish this sentence….In 2015 Charleston will be_________?
More green and more fabulous.

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