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California-based software company bringing world headquarters to Charleston

For Immediate Release
March 1, 2003

March 12, 2003 – At a gathering today at the Charleston Regional Development Alliance headquarters, a leading provider of data interoperability software formally announced the consolidation of its operations to the Charleston region. Modulant will soon be among the area’s largest software companies.

The privately-owned Modulant will consolidate San Francisco, California and N. Charleston operations, thereby bringing its world headquarters and vigorous research and development activities to the region. According to company officials, San Francisco, Long Beach and the Washington D.C. area were also considered for this consolidation.

Today’s announcement was welcomed by local business and community leaders, who cited a growing cluster of software developers thriving in the Charleston region. The announcement was facilitated by the Alliance, a public/private organization whose mission is to attract and expand business investment in the region.

“Our decision to locate in the Charleston area was multi-dimensional,” said Eugene M. Eubanks, Modulant’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “First, there were business costs to consider, and this area is very reasonable from that perspective. Recruiting key employees is also a lot easier in Charleston than in the other areas we considered. And finally, we were drawn to the unique mix of business and lifestyle amenities, especially for a market this size.”

Noted Don Bell, Modulant’s Chief Operating Officer, “We’ve been working in the Charleston area long enough to know first-hand that this is a solid business location. Our experience here will help us advance our long-term plans.”

Modulant serves customers in both the public and private sectors with systems integration for the exchange of highly complex data, improving efficiency and collaboration between companies and their suppliers. Modulant’s Contextia Product Suite provides tools businesses need to manage information within context of the business process. The company has been in business for 14 years, with revenues growing approximately 28% annually.

In moving its headquarters from San Francisco to Daniel Island, the company plans to create 96 new jobs and invest $9.825 million over the next five years. Modulant will keep open its Long Beach and San Francisco offices. It also has offices in Chicago; Dallas; Virginia; London; and Stockholm, Sweden.

Alliance Chairman Gene Williams welcomed the arrival of the Modulant headquarters. “Today we celebrate a huge win for the Charleston region. A next-generation software company has chosen the Charleston region for its world headquarters over the long-renowned technology hub in the San Francisco Bay Area. This really marks a tremendous step forward in our efforts,” Williams said.

Jim Rozier, Berkeley County Supervisor, noted that Berkeley County continues to attract highly sophisticated companies. “The knowledge economy is being embraced throughout our region,” said Rozier. “We are proud today to welcome a company that relies solely on the power of the human mind. This is indeed a place that fosters innovative thinking and exploration.”

As the newest member of the growing Charleston Digital Corridor, Modulant also becomes part of the City of Charleston. Joseph P. Riley, Jr., Mayor of Charleston, welcomed the announcement. “The future of our city is well represented by this world-class technology company. Not only will Modulant provide high-level jobs for our citizens, it will also become a highly visible corporate endorsement for our city.”

In its efforts to diversify and strengthen the tri-county economy, the Alliance works with many organizations. An especially important relationship is with the State of South Carolina.

“Modulant’s decision highlights what we’ve been saying all along about the importance of quality of life in attracting business to South Carolina,” said Gov. Mark Sanford. “This is also exactly the kind of company our state is looking to work with as far as growing our knowledge-based economy.”

The Charleston Regional Development Alliance represents Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties. Its mission is to broaden and diversify business investment in this region, with a new emphasis on technology-intensive business sectors. Since its inception, the Alliance has worked with thousands of companies to help promote business investment and quality growth in the area. To learn more, go to www.charleston-for-business.com.

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Media Contact:
Colleen Troy
[email protected]

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