Congress okays $8.9 million for Charleston Harbor deepening

S.C. Ports Authority
November 1, 2001

The U.S. Congress has approved $8.9 million to continue the Charleston
Harbor Deepening and Widening Project.

Most of the project is either completed or underway. Over the past two
years, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has awarded and seen to completion
nearly $100 million in projects to deepen Charleston’s entrance channel to
minus 47 feet at mean low water (MLW) and the inner harbor to minus 45 feet
MLW. Certain berths have also been deepened to minus 45 feet.

The entire project, including deepening, widening and relocation of fill, is
approximately $150 million.

Charleston is one of seven deep draft navigation projects to receive funding
in the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 2002. The
legislation now moves to President Bush for final approval.

The Charleston work was originally authorized in the Water Resources
Development Act of 1996 and funds were appropriated to begin construction in

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