SC Film Commission introduces New film production fund

Swamp Fox
February 10, 2006

Columbia, SC – The South Carolina Film Commission announced today the introduction of its new South Carolina Film Production Fund, a fund created to develop collaborative projects in film, video and multimedia between professionals in the motion picture and related industries and institutions of higher learning in South Carolina. There is $300,000 in production funds available for the 2006 grant cycle.

The University of South Carolina, Clemson University and Trident Technical College have formed the South Carolina Film Consortium with the South Carolina Film Commission. Independent producers and other professionals in motion picture related fields are encouraged to partner with one or all of the Consortium members, working with their students to help South Carolina build its knowledge pool and improve the skills of those already involved in the industry.

“By joining forces, we can transform our state from one dependent on recruited product, to one that creates its own original product” said Film Commissioner Jeff Monks. “The strength of our talent is so great, and the potential benefits to our state are so important, we can now make the spotlight on South Carolina even brighter.”

Collaborative projects will be awarded up to $100,000 each. Producers, writers, and other entertainment industry professionals are encouraged to apply regardless of the size of the project, as long as South Carolina’s college students can be used in as many facets of the project as possible as interns, apprentices, or actual department members.

“Recruiting motion picture films and other media projects is just another component of our economic development strategy to create more jobs and raise income levels in South Carolina,” said Gov. Mark Sanford. “We’ve worked hard to create a business-friendly environment for the film industry with the addition of our recent incentive legislation and this new grant initiative. We want film professionals to think of South Carolina first when they start looking at new projects.”

“Colleges and universities partnering with the industry, from Hollywood, to our own South Carolina independent producers, is one way we’re increasing our competitiveness for film production announcements,” Monks added. “The South Carolina Production Fund will create job-ready graduates and gives our production professionals an opportunity to improve their skills and resumes. The bottom line: South Carolina grows a knowledge-based industry paying higher than average incomes and an industry-ready workforce.”

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