SC Tech Study Shows Impact of Tech Industry

SC Biz News
December 10, 2020

Since 2005, the size of South Carolina’s tech industry has doubled, leaving an economic footprint of $89 billion, according to the SC Council on Competitiveness’ first SC Tech Economic Impact Study.

The study, conducted by University of South Carolina Research Scientist Joey Von Nessen, delved into the sector’s top occupations and employment growth numbers across the state was released in conjunction with a heat map identifying tech firms across the state.

“This is the first time that we’re able to take the broader tech trends that we see on a national level and a regional level and connect them back to what’s happening in South Carolina in individual companies,” Von Nessen said, adding that the study asks: “Who are the companies that are involved in establishing these trends and changing these trends – that boots-on-the-ground approach.”

Read the full article, HERE.

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