Site Selection’s Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development

Site Selection
May 10, 2018

The Charleston Regional Development Alliance recognized by the Site Selection’s Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development as a top regional economic development agency in the U.S.

McKinley Conway, founder of Conway, Inc., and Site Selection Magazine, was a prolific writer and world traveler. A visionary in the field of economic development, “Mac” once wrote that “we provide an important communications link between productive companies and those seeking to attract them who represent cities, states and nations around the world.”

Site Selection’s Mac Conway Awards for Excellence in Economic Development recognize the top local and regional economic development agencies in the US for their roles in helping to deliver prosperity to their communities. While not a ranking, objective criteria are used to identify the top performers, which are listed below alphabetically by group name.

This year’s Mac Conway Award winners were determined by an index that examines corporate facility investment projects in US metro areas as tracked by Site Selection’s proprietary Conway Projects database in 2017. Scores are awarded based on six criteria: total projects, total investment associated with those projects and jobs associated with those projects; and those same three numbers calculated per capita for the metro area.

“Looking at the world landscape, we know that our small company is but a grain of sand,” Mac wrote. “However, joining with many others, we know that we are part of a wonderful vista.” In that same spirit, Site Selection recognizes that the groups we salute represent but a single constellation in a universe of bright stars.

Read the full article HERE.


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