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Three forestry companies tap ArborGen

ArborGen News Release
January 17, 2007

In a first of its kind agreement, ArborGen LLC has formed an alliance with three forest products companies to test elite loblolly pine varieties. The collaboration is called the ArborGen Testing Service.

This is the first time that multiple forest products companies have jointly tested their proprietary varieties in forestry. Initially, International Paper, MeadWestvaco and Weyerhaeuser are contributing seeds from elite trees. However, other companies and universities will soon be participating as well.

Through this agreement, the ArborGen Testing Service (ATS) will develop varieties from immature seeds collected from top performing trees that were identified by participating companies and universities. The ATS will then coordinate the field tests with the varieties on multiple sites in various forest zones throughout the Southeastern United States. More than 1900 varieties will be in field trials by spring 2006. Participating companies will be able to select the best performers for specific geographic conditions for large scale commercial production.

ArborGen will propagate the trees through its patented ArborGenabledTM mass propagation technology. Through ArborGenabledTM technology, immature seeds are isolated from pine cones, reproduced in a culture medium and preserved through cryogenics. Some of the seeds are developed into plantlets. ArborGen can then mass produce thousands of those plantlets from the cells that were cryopreserved. Forestry companies can plant them knowing that they will grow into elite trees identical to the ATS trial selected varieties.

“We are pleased to perform this important role in helping to ensure maximum productivity of plantation forests in the Southeastern United States,” said Barbara Wells, ArborGen CEO. “This arrangement will enable loblolly pine forest plantation owners to readily select and plant the best performing varieties; ultimately leading to significantly increased financial returns.”

The service agreement with ArborGen refines the traditional University-Industry tree improvement cooperative programs by employing the latest mass propagation technologies. The accomplishments and efforts of these cooperatives and their members during the last 50 years will be further enhanced by results from the ATS varietal trials. The ATS will result in accelerating the development of a pipeline of superior performing trees while minimizing the time and cost to test the varieties.

About the company
ArborGen LLC, with headquarters in Summerville, SC, is a global leader in the research, development and commercialization of applications in genetics and new technology that will improve forest sustainability and productivity. ArborGen is developing commercially important technologies that will lead to improved forest management systems and forest product manufacturing processes. Additional information about ArborGenʼs business can be found at http://www.arborgen.com.

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