we build jets

Charleston is one of three places in the world assembling and delivering wide body jets, is home to Boeing Centers of Excellence for IT, Research & Technology, and Engineering Design, and is the exclusive manufacturer of Boeing’s 787-10. This region offers the R&D, subassembly manufacturing, suppliers, advanced materials manufacturing, and non-destructive mechanical testing expertise necessary for your operation to be successful here.

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Mid-size U.S. Metro for 5-Year Employment Growth in Manufacturing
mid-size metro for prime-aged workforce aged 25-54
higher concentration of aerospace manufacturing workforce than the U.S.
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Aerospace Companies

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Big Opportunities

“When you look at the aerospace footprint, with Joint Base Charleston, the growing airport, a supplier base that continues to expand, and our own long-term growth strategy, we're going to have a great future together.”

Joan Robinson-Berry
Former Vice President & General Manager
Boeing, South Carolina

Skilled Talent

The Charleston region offers deep expertise in manufacturing, R&D, IT, and is home to a high concentration of engineering and software talent, as well as a growing pool of skilled technicians

Workforce Training

Charleston is building a sustainable workforce pipeline by strategically aligning its education and training infrastructure with its high impact clusters. In fiscal year 2021-2022, ReadySC, a free, customized workforce training program for companies creating new, high wage jobs in South Carolina, trained 5,755 skilled workers for 115 companies.

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